Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2 out of 2 Hypcrites agree...I'm going to HELL!!!

The two hypocrites in question are Mark Driscoll of the Mars Hill group of churches in the greater Seattle area and John Hagee of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas.  Both of these holier than thou nitwits quoted the same verse out of context (1 Timothy 5:8) as their "biblical evidence" to support their bullsh*t opinions. And both of them failed to use the rest of chapter 5 of 1 Timothy because they know it doesn't have anything to do with stay at home dads at all, it is a part of a letter from Paul to a young man who was trying to lead his church in the proper manner.  Chapter 5 discusses who is and who is not a true widow, in order to determine those widows that the church should provide care for exclusively and those who have relatives, immediate or distant that could offer assistance.  This is why Paul says that, 

"If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

That is also why neither Mark Driscoll nor John Hagee mention the rest of the chapter.  However, I can direct them to a passage that appears to have them in mind, that is also in the book of 1 Timothy, only this time it is in 1 Timothy 6:3-5.  So here you go boys...
"If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing.  He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain."

There now.  Feel better?  I do.  I do because I know your churches are non-denominational.  They are non-denominational because most real churches don't preach hate and segregation against anyone.  And since it appears that such a practice of acceptance and forgiveness for anyone who seeks the Lord would be bad for business, they decided to go out on their own.  Maybe you feel more Christian for your hate-mongering, but I am certain Jesus would see it for what it is.  So since you shall be judged in the manner that you have judged others, I guess I'll see you in hell.

Oh, and Paul also said to you Mark, to tell your wife Grace to shut up (1 Corinthians 14:34-35) and you John Hagee that you are lustful and impure and not from God, because you divorced and remarried (1 Timothy 5:12).  Oops!  Sorry boys, guess we're all screwed, huh?  At least I'm not leading thousands away from God in my profession....

Thank God that's finally over!

The election I mean.  I don't know about the rest of you out there but I never thought I'd miss those Viva Viagra and double bath tub Cialis commercials, but I did.  Not because I haven't been able to figure what separate outdoor bath tubs has to do with erectile disfunction, but because I was sick of hearing one candidate lie about the other and which proposition was going to ruin my life and which would make it perfect.  And now we know the real reason elections are only held every two or four years....because if we had to put up with this crap on an annual basis, no one would watch television for the last 6 months leading up to election day.

And as for the Matt Drudges and rush Limbaughs of this world, do us all a favor and just shut the hell up for awhile.  Your boy W screwed this country up about as badly as any one man could in 8 years and your party was punished for it.  Yes, I know the Democrats controlled congress for the last 2 of it, but the wheels had come off long before that occurred.  And enough of the racist undertones Matt Drudge.  Yeah, I am calling you out for your oh so clever title for your November 5th column.  "Senior citizen and woman beaten by black man."  

Probably thought of that months ago and just sat on it, hoping it wouldn't happen but ready with a zinger if it did.  Well, it did happen.  It happened because not everyone in this country sees the winner as a black man.  In fact, more people in this country see him as THE man, than a black man, so keep your snarky, racist crap to yourself and do the rest of thinking America a favor and clam up already.  Your guy lost.  For a lot of reasons, not the least of which was Sarah Palin.  And negative campaigning that didn't work. And personal attacks, which didn't work.  And being too stupid to know that when you live in 8 glass houses, throwing verbal stones like calling your opponent who doesn't own 8 homes an elitist, makes you look hypocritical at best.  And because the last nitwit your party stuck us with has done more damage to this nation's world image than anyone could repair in 4 terms, never mind in only (the first) 4 years.

So save your ponderings for the nice, private, inner recesses of your mind and let the rest of the country get back to the real work of making this nation great again.  Since you've clearly forgotten the Pledge of Allegiance, I'll remind you it specifically states, "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  That "all" there at the end includes victorious candidates from the opposing party.  No matter how much you wish it didn't.